Sunday, May 24, 2009


If my daughter ever finds this ass is grass. School is almost out for the summer, and my "babysitting" chores will be non-stop. Don't get me wrong, I love my grandson more than anything in the world...but!

When my best friend was alive, we did so many spontaneous things, go to dinner, a movie, shopping, whatever. Since her passing in October of '07 - I have had no life at all. I will never have another friend like her...period. We fought, argued, loved and adored - just like sisters. Now my life is tending to my grandson while his mother is either at work or asleep.

My daughter has no clue (honestly) how hard it is to make it on her own. If she didn't have me, she would be spending some serious bucks on child care and she would have to learn that because she works an 8 hour a day job - she doesn't deserve 10-12 hours sleep, foregoing time with her son.

When the daughter is on her way to work, at work and on the way home, she always finds reasons to call me on her cell with the most trivial and mundane. I will get text messages constantly about what is going on at work or whatever she may be thinking...I really don't want to be bothered. If she forgets something at home - she wants me to drive over to work and bring her said item.

This morning she left home without her pain meds, and wanted to know if I could drop them off when I left for my picnic. I said no. She has to learn responsibility - she is 29 for heaven's sake.

I was invited to a great friend's house for a picnic today - and to be honest - it will be mostly adults. Actually, I don't think there will be any kids at all. I explained that to my friend, and of course he said to bring the grandson - he would take him on the four-wheeler and down to the pond, maybe even teach him how to throw a line in to fish. This is really nice, but I don't want to take away from the adult part of the get-together.

I have made my pasta salad, charged the grandsons PS2 and DVD player, and he has his coloring materials. Hopefully this will keep him occupied. In all honesty, he is really great at entertaining himself - so for the 3-4 hours we will be there - all should be good.

I just wanted to bitch a little today - I need a break. Knowing I need that break is good, but I have no one to spend time with having fun - like I used to.

Thanks for listening to my grouse and grumble session. TTFN.


Riot Kitty said...

I need to bitch a little EVERY day! That pic is sick! Mr RK will love it ;)

SagaciousHillbilly said...

Pain meds?
Sounds like you're enabling your daughter.

slyght said...

"I" found you months ago. mwah hah hah, but we'll keep this on the D-L. yeah, she's a twat. go on, find a boy, don't get killed.

but you know, to find non-electronic friends, you have to get out from behind the computer once in a while. love ya.

Freida Bee said...

What SH said is what I thought- to be honest.

I'm just hoping this is not the situation I'm in with my oldest daughter ever. I know it's not so easy as all that. You love her. You love your grandson, but it certainly seems wrong that you don't have the space you need from time to time. (-Says the woman who accepted her mother in law's offer to have her two youngish sons stay with her nearly the entire summer in a matter of .6 seconds.)